Could you tell me if i have a tidy code? Or maybe there is some things to improve in code organisation. I also want to as if i correctly uploaded repository. I am waiting for some extra tips
Could you tell me if i have a tidy code? Or maybe there is some things to improve in code organisation. I also want to as if i correctly uploaded repository. I am waiting for some extra tips
About your repository, I had the same problem. I solved the issue changing alt="" with title="".
Marked as helpful
I have tried my best to make this as similar to the design as possible. Can someone suggest a solution to how I can make the edges curved?
For make a edge curve, you can add border-radio to your .center (style sheet).
i had problems converting from hsl to rgba . any suggestions?
For your image, instead of using background-image linear-gradient, try [mix-blend-mode: multiply] (https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_mix-blend-mode.asp) , with some opacity.
In this way, you don't have to convert hls to rgba.