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    The script could have been shorter, some randomness in the css but overall happy of the result

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    In general no problem, just one little thing bother me is the fact that when i'm playing with the dev tools at some width the top part goes overflow.

  • Submitted

    Two things bother me a little bit.

    1. the fact that the user can't close a question by clicking on the same question he just opened .
    2. In mobile version some question by the fact that they are a little bit longer make the white box "pop" out and make probably the reading and the experience a little bit less comfortable.
  • Submitted

    No particulare difficulities, more like a speed challenge. They may be a better way to handle the translation of the different object and overall organisation of the HTML

  • Submitted

    First time using script in a project. Not cleaned CSS i've learned some html thing on the flight such as placeholder, i didn't know it before starting so i had to code the functionality of placeholder in the script. In computer screen size, logo and background are a bit iffy saw it during the upload...

  • Submitted

    No particular question but if there is some stuff that could clean a little bit the code i'll be open to any suggestions.

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    The result looks okay, maybe some inexact size here and there. My methode to change the heading, to me, is a bit iffy to me but it worked using display none and flex/grid depending of the screen size.

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    Used the background css trick to replace the colors of the image, don't know if it was the right trick to use but it did the job.

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    First time using Rem with font-size trick, maybe did some mistakes here and there.

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    Got some trouble at first, had to delete my first version and rebuild it from scratch.

    • difficulties to organize my self for the media query. Looks like i did it upside down. I should have start with the simplicity layout and go toward the more complex one. (From the phone to the bigger screen for that exercise.)
    • Also, I should get away from the px - i should use more responsive unites measure. But how should i use better Rem or vh, i understand what they do but i don't get, yet, how to use it properly especially for an exercise like that.
  • Submitted

    Got some trouble here and there, but in the end just one detail i couldn't fix is the alignment of the ETH and clock with there respective text... maybe i have played to much with some position/display things.

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    Got some difficulties to align properly the white box to the border: div { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 15%; } I did that way but it might not be the most efficiant.