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I think everything is working fine. Would appreciate any feedback and any pointers to anything I might have missed. Thank You.
This was an interesting exercise. Helped me understand 'justify' and 'align' properties better. Would love to hear feedback. Thank you.
Enjoyed this one. Helped me learn how to customize box position in using grid. Will appreciate anyfeedback. Thank You
Any feedbacks and insights will be helpful. Thank you.
Feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.
FAQ accordion card using css grid
- JS
Okay, I think everything is running fine. One small issue though: I couldn't align the two images for the mobile view perfectly in the center. Right now, they're almost in the center but not exactly.
Here's what I tried but didn't work:
- Put both images in a parent 'div'
- Used grid to align them along the cross axis
- Set width of both images to 100%
- Adjusted the width of the parent 'div' to however big I want my images to look
This worked in every other similar case I've dealt with before.
I opened the svg files for the mobile view in Inkscape to check. Found that the main image had an invisible part extending on the left. So, the actual image is wider than it actually appears (an invisible is extending on the left). That might be what's causing all the resizing and alignment issues. I might be wrong though.
Should I modify the actual svg image itself or is there a way to do it using css alone?
Would appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this.
I think I've managed to get everything except one little thing. Would appreciate any tips on how to get the exclamation mark to appear in the placeholder when error occurs. I can make the exclamation mark appear in the placeholder but I'm faced with 2 problems. I can't figure out:
- How to make the exclamation icon red
- How to make it appear on the right hand side
Update: Managed to fix the issue with the exclamation mark. Everything seems to be working fine. If there are any other issues that needs fixing that I might have overlooked, please let me know. Thank you
Single Price Grid Component
Would love to hear some feedback. Also, would appreciate tips on easy ways of adjusting the bubble images in the background.
Took me a while to get the share button to work. Feedback will be appreciated.
Any suggestions for improvements is welcome