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  • @Hamsolovski


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Practiced a bit more grids and selecting html elements using css. Grids are really powerful tools.

    I highly recommand reading Josh Comeau ( 's guide on grids - This was beyond useful : it made me review my initial judgement on grid and helped me understand how they work. Priceless article, will definitely keep following him.



    Really well implementation, just a bit sizing issues but overall well done, nice video recommendation

  • @NaeemSlayer


    fix the color of card para text, add padding to top, well done good job on the rest :)

  • @NaeemSlayer


    Excellent job, nice touch on the footer, well done :)

  • @NaeemSlayer


    The class names like recipe-page, preparationTime, and instructions are good, but wrapping these in semantic tags such as <article class="recipe-page"> or <section class="preparationTime"> could improve the structure. Using alt text for the image is a good practice. The alt text "image not found" is a fallback, but providing a meaningful description of the image (e.g., "A picture of an omelette") would improve accessibility.

    Feedback on the Recipe Page Implementation

    1. Semantic HTML Strengths:

    The HTML structure is largely semantic. Tags like <header>, <main>, <section>, and <footer> are not explicitly used, but the content is organized using appropriate tags like <h1>, <h2>, <p>, <ul>, and <ol>. Headings (<h1>, <h2>) are used correctly to define sections of the page, which is good for both accessibility and SEO. Improvements:

    Consider using more semantic containers like <section> or <article> for better content delineation. For example, each section (Ingredients, Instructions, Nutrition) could be wrapped in a <section> tag with appropriate aria-label attributes to further enhance accessibility. The class names like recipe-page, preparationTime, and instructions are good, but wrapping these in semantic tags such as <article class="recipe-page"> or <section class="preparationTime"> could improve the structure. 2. Accessibility Strengths:

    The color contrast between the text and background is generally good, which helps with readability. Using alt text for the image is a good practice. The alt text "image not found" is a fallback, but providing a meaningful description of the image (e.g., "A picture of an omelette") would improve accessibility. Improvements:

    Add ARIA roles or labels where necessary. For instance, the image could use a more descriptive alt attribute to convey more information about the content. Consider adding a <nav> element if there are going to be multiple sections or pages linked from this recipe, which would improve navigation for users with screen readers. Ensure that interactive elements (if any) are keyboard accessible and provide focus styles. 3. Responsive Design Strengths:

    The use of media queries demonstrates a solid understanding of responsive design principles. The layout adapts well to both small and large screens. The transition between screen sizes is smooth, and the layout remains visually appealing. Improvements:

    Consider using relative units (e.g., em, rem, %) more frequently instead of fixed units like px to improve scalability across different devices and screen resolutions. On very small screens (e.g., less than 350px wide), some padding might be adjusted to ensure that the text doesn't get too cramped. 4. Code Structure and Readability Strengths:

    The code is well-organized, and the CSS is logically structured, making it easy to follow. The use of descriptive class names and separation of concerns (HTML for structure, CSS for styling) is clear and appropriate. Improvements:

    Consider organizing CSS into sections with comments to delineate different parts of the page (e.g., /* Header Styles /, / Nutrition Section */). This can make the stylesheet more navigable for larger projects. The seperator class could be more descriptive (e.g., section-divider), making it more meaningful in the context of the page. 5. Design Consistency Strengths:

    The overall design closely matches a standard recipe page layout, which is a plus for user familiarity. The typography choices are clear and consistent, contributing to a professional look and feel. Improvements:

    Without the original design reference, it’s challenging to determine how closely the implementation matches the intended design. However, ensuring consistent spacing, font sizes, and color use across the entire page is crucial for maintaining design consistency. Overall Assessment This solution is well-executed with a good balance between semantic HTML, accessibility considerations, and responsive design. There is always room for improvement, particularly in refining accessibility features and enhancing the semantic structure with additional tags or attributes. The code is clean and well-structured, which is crucial for maintainability and scalability in larger projects.

  • @yogesh2142


    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    social links project is the problem away form responsiveness.



    Define color and spacing variables at the root level for consistency and easier maintenance. Center the .container using flexbox or grid on the parent element (body), instead of using margin-top. Ensure that the design scales well beyond 1440px or for screens smaller than 400px. For example, you can set a maximum and minimum width for the container.

  • @NaeemSlayer


    Your solution demonstrates a solid effort, and here are a few points to consider:

    Semantic HTML: Your use of semantic HTML is on point, which is great for accessibility and SEO. Accessibility: The solution is fairly accessible, though adding ARIA labels and ensuring color contrast meets accessibility standards would enhance it further. Responsive Layout: The layout appears to function well across different screen sizes, but consider testing on more devices to ensure consistency. Code Structure: Your code is well-structured and readable. Making use of comments and following consistent naming conventions can further improve clarity. Design Fidelity: The solution closely matches the original design, which is commendable. Overall, a solid job! Minor tweaks in accessibility and responsiveness could elevate the quality further.

    Marked as helpful

  • @NaeemSlayer


    Your solution demonstrates a solid effort, and here are a few points to consider:

    Semantic HTML: Your use of semantic HTML is on point, which is great for accessibility and SEO. Accessibility: The solution is fairly accessible, though adding ARIA labels and ensuring color contrast meets accessibility standards would enhance it further. Responsive Layout: The layout appears to function well across different screen sizes, but consider testing on more devices to ensure consistency. Code Structure: Your code is well-structured and readable. Making use of comments and following consistent naming conventions can further improve clarity. Design Fidelity: The solution closely matches the original design, which is commendable. Overall, a solid job! Minor tweaks in accessibility and responsiveness could elevate the quality further.
