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  • @sumaira10041


    Can anyone plzz tell me how to make it responsive .....i give two days to this page but still cant make it responsive...can someone tell me where i did mistake

    Mr. Ryt 140



    To achieve responsiveness, you must:

    • get familiar with flex & grid
    • media queries
    • learn to use other units (i.e. vw, %, vh, dvh, dvw, rem, etc.)

    Flex and Grid can easily adjust when the window is resized. With the use of min-width / min-height and min() function, you can adjust the size the item can expand to or shrink to. Media queries enables you to redesign the page for different sets of screen sizes and even orientation (very useful for mobile devices). You can create the perfect webpage for each phone. 'px', 'in', 'ch', 'mm', 'cm', etc. is fixed. The properties defined for an element with such units never change for different screen sizes. But for units like '%', 'vw', 'dvh', they adjust when the window is resized which is great for responsiveness.

    Marked as helpful

  • Mr. Ryt 140



    Hi. I'm very grateful for your feedback. I've honestly not heard of the picture tag. Thanks for teaching me but I have one question here. Which image do I use for the src attribute in the img tag for this case where I only have two images for smaller and larger display? I have no fallback image to be precise.
