I am proud to have completed my first project without any assistance. Self learning to understand some functionality and differences. This is my first project to be completed which is a big achievement to me and the start of my programming journey.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I had a bit of issue with responsiveness for this project due to the egg background for the website which means the body as to change at some point. I thought the website will maintain the egg background throughout but that will require using PX for the width which will require too many codes for media query. Since the project doesn't come with tablet view, I decided to maintain mobile view which is responsive before changing the page design at small laptop screen.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I will like to spend less time on upcoming project by having the right layout from the beginning. Understanding a decide and having the right layout will will when dealing with responsiveness. So, Layout is an area I will like to improve on at this moment.