Hi i checked your code.
you need to make 1440 px container. Some peeple have very wide monitor my is 5140px long. so when i full screen this two photos are one meter on the sides form the center fo the screen.
max-width: 1440px;
dont use IDs, Save them for forms and javascript. There are other techniques how to target elements. Check another selectors, for example
last and first child
first of type
last of type
> *;
and many more.
too much DIVs, use MAIN, Section,article,aside, footer,nav.header etc...
It will help you with SEO evaluation and also webbrowser will know beeter how to print the page on the screen, and also some readers for deaf peeple will better understand what section they are in.
try BEM method to better describe classes in HTML.
dont set font to fixed values in pixels use REM or EM units. Some user has different default font size in their browser, if you hradcode it it will displeay at 18px, even they sets to 24 for example.
that footer is mess. sorry for that.
<div class="bottom">
<img src="images/mobile/image-footer.jpg" alt="" class="footer-img-mobile">
<img src="images/tablet/image-footer.jpg" alt="" class="footer-img-tablet">
<img src="images/desktop/image-footer.jpg" alt="" class="footer-img">
this is bad aproach. First of all what borwser do is loading HTML structure. CSS and Javascript after all HTML. those images will load with HTML and they will be displayed antil browser load CSS codes.
It will also take lot of bandwith, every picture has some size and it will slow downloading all site.
Instead use picture elements and resolution switching technique. It is hard one, but as you see designer of that challenges do this whit pourpuse to use that.
Also work on Fonts, there is bad fonts. Try to host them from your side.
@font-face is the way.
that thing with backround picture on footer is big one.
You can use position that picture element to your parrent.
or give footer element some width and hight and use background picture as filler.
i hope i help you a bit.