@MindaugasJ88Submitted over 4 years ago
Hi, I just finished my first HTML and CSS project, therefore I have some questions:
- Does my website meets the responsive website standards? As I was trying to reduce the size of screen, the columns wraps and turns into the mobile version. Do you see any places where it's working/looking wrong?
- When it's best to use percent values and when fixed pixels values? At first I thought that I need to use everywhere percent values in order to make everything responsive, but I saw that it's difficult when you using percentage both to parent and child items. So I used both pixels and percentage, just wondering what is the best practice?
- Can you check the classes code? Now I had literraly styled everything in styles.css files. First I had styled tag selectors and then created bunch of class selectors classes. What could be improved in terms of styling logic and naming? Was my approach effective?
I'm grateful for any feeback. Thank you! ps: code is in two files - index.html and css/styles.css