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  • jetskeeter 180



    It is easy, but I am trying to learn hard how I can have a responsive layout. It's difficult to do with my smooth brain.

    Any tips to making responsive layout where the width increase/decrease when the screen gets smaller?

    Any kind of feedback is appreciated.



    hello @jetskeeter1 i have a few suggestions on how to improve your code and also make it responsive on smaller and larger devices.

    • You need to restructure your html layout to properly to make use of flex box for responsive design. in order to make use of flex box, you need to apply display flex to a parent container and within the parent container you need to have flex items. for the flex items you need to enclose each of the items in a <div>.
    - <section>
          <main class="container">
          <div class="box box1">
            <h1 class="title">SEDANS</h1>        
            <p class="descript">
              Choose a sedan for its affordability and excellent fuel economy. Ideal for cruising in the city 
        or on your next road trip.
            <a href="#sedan" class="button">Learn More</a>  
    • do that for the other three sections. if you look closely the layout for the 3 sections are similar there is an image on the top, <h1>, <p> and <a>, in other to style all 3 you can give them the same class="box".for each of the other sections give them a diffrent class box1, box2 and box3 in that order so you can give them a diffrent background-color. Make sure that all three sections are enclosed within your main container. You can give the main container which serves as your parent <div> a display of flex. You are missing this part in your code that is why it is not responsive. in other to make use of flex box you need a parent container with display flex and flex items each enclosed in a <div> tag.

    • After applying css styling on your webpage then you can use media query and target smaller screen devices, change the flex-direction from row to column so the box1, box2 and box3 are stacked on top of each other.

    -  /* responsive style */
    @media(max-width: 920px){
            flex-direction: column;
    @media(max-width: 425px){
            margin: 2rem 1rem;
    • by effecting this changes you are going to have a responsive web page across large and smaller devices feel free to adjust css styling as you see fit.

    • [] - this is a link to a youtube playlist to learn how to use flex box correctly for responsive design.

  • @Meetkamal256


    your code is as simple and concise as possible any alteration will just add further complexity to the code, well done man. I am a little new to coding just started last year, wish you success in your future endeavors....
