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All comments

  • @emeraldknytt


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am quite content with how close my solution is to the design and if I had to do something differently, then it would be making sure that properties that are the same across different tags are given their own tags i.e

    h1, p, .card {
       color: blue;
    Mateusz 390



    Great job! 😊 Here are a few suggestions to improve your code:

    The settings width: auto and height: 960px are generally correct, but it's worth considering responsiveness. You might want to use relative units (e.g., vh for height) or media queries to adjust the height for different screen sizes.

    The styling of the element with an id in CSS (#description) is valid, but it's worth noting that id selectors have higher specificity than classes. This means that if you need to override the style for this element in the future, styling with id may be harder to modify. Instead of using id, consider using a class.

    The HTML structure is correct and well-organized. However, it’s advisable to add alt attributes to all images to enhance accessibility.

    Marked as helpful

  • Mateusz 390



    Nice! <3

  • OL 40



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    How hard I tried to figure out the desktop view without using ai lol

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The desktop view was a challenge for me, I was on the right track with my html structure but my inadeqaute knowledge on flex and grid held me back. A friend helped me over come by giving a simple explanation.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Well I left the mobile view for ipad mini and ipad air tablet, I know my responsiveness is not as strong yet, especially for the tablet cause I belive it's meant to take up most of the space of a screen but on the ipad pro it leaves alot of space at the bottom and the contents are just in their positions(you can check this out on the screens provided by your browser and give me feedback pls). Any tips on how to fix this?

    Mateusz 390




  • Mateusz 390




  • Bryan 60



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?


    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?


    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    Mateusz 390




  • @JiteshUbale01


    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I would really appreciate insights on how can I make this even more responsive, so that it looks good in different screen sizes.

    Mateusz 390




  • @Alfonso-1701


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Was able to get the project set up without any difficulty. I want to remember to initiate Git throughout the project. I need to get in the habit of utilizing save states so they are there should I ever need to utilize them.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Smooth sailing. No challenges on this one.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Any tips or tricks for organizing code. I'm open to feedback

    Mateusz 390




  • Mateusz 390




  • @Ali-alas88


    1. yeah for me i'ts hard to make this project but i do my best , and i'm beginner i start to learn html and css for last week .
    2. the Css
    3. no idon't
    Mateusz 390



    Hello there 👋. Congratulations on successfully completing the challenge! 🎉


    • The HTML structure is well-formed and follows best practices.


    • The use of * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } for resetting styles is a good practice.
    • There's a minor typo in the CSS for the font family ('outfit' instead of 'Outfit') that might impact the font loading.
    • The class .car seems to be a typo, it should be .card.
    • There are conflicting margin and width values within the .box class, causing layout issues.
    • The height: 100%px; property in .box has an incorrect format (%px), it should be height: 100%;.
    • There's a duplication of text-align: center; in .box.

    I hope you find this helpful 😄 Above all, the solution you submitted is great !

    Happy coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • Mateusz 390



    Congratulations on sharing this project! 🎉👏

    • Structure: The HTML structure is well-organized with semantic tags.
    • Meta Tags: Appropriate meta tags for charset, viewport, author, and description are included.
    • Content: Clear division into two panels—results and summary—maintains clarity.
    • General Styles: Resetting default margin, padding, and box-sizing for consistency.
    • Font and Layout: Good choice of font, the layout is managed well using Flexbox.
    • Styling: Well-defined styles for different sections, good use of gradients for backgrounds.
    • Responsiveness: Media queries implemented for various screen sizes, adjusting panel widths and layout.
    • Accessibility: Include alt attributes for the images to improve accessibility.
    • Consistency: Maintain consistent naming conventions across classes for better readability and maintenance.
    • Comments: Consider adding comments to elaborate on complex sections or to clarify intentions in the CSS.

    Overall, the code is well-structured and styled, leveraging Flexbox and media queries for responsiveness. To enhance it further, consider the suggestions mentioned above.

    Marked as helpful

  • Mateusz 390



    Hi, congratulations on sharing this project! 🎉👏

    Try using Flexbox on the body:

    body {
      display: flex; /* Using Flexbox */
      justify-content: center; /* Center horizontally */
      align-items: center; /* Center vertically */
      height: 100vh; /* Utilize full viewport height */

    Also, your image is not in your repository. Try to upload it."

  • Mateusz 390



    Hi, congratulations on sharing this project! 🎉👏

    1. Structure: HTML structure is simple and concise, using appropriate tags.
    2. Accessibility: Missing alt attribute for the QR code image could impact accessibility for users relying on screen readers.
    3. Links: Links to Frontend Mentor and the coder's portfolio are functional and correctly implemented.
    4. Content: Content is clear and straightforward, conveying the purpose effectively.
    1. Variables: Good use of CSS variables for managing colors, enhancing maintainability.
    2. Styling: The layout is responsive, utilizing relative units and positioning for adaptability across devices.
    3. Selectors: Clear and concise use of selectors, making the CSS easy to understand and modify.
    1. Accessibility Enhancement: Adding an alt attribute to the QR code image for better accessibility.
    2. Comments: Consider adding comments for more complex styling sections to improve code understanding and maintainability.