@Manuel7070All comments
- @MerkspavSubmitted 23 days ago@Manuel7070Posted 23 days ago
Hello @Merkspav, thanks for the excellent work! To get the most out of your solution, consider using the Accessibility Report and the HTML Report.
0 - @dreemanuelSubmitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I'm proud of doing this task just by sight alone, instead of using Figma to get the exact measurements.
It went pretty smoothly, and much faster than the previous two tasks.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I had to stop to watch a couple youtube videos, where I figured out that by applying flex-direction: column, the justify-content and align-items functions get swapped.
That was a hurdle that I had been struggling with in the early phases of this task.
I also learned about using var() variables, which helped me clean up my code.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I need some tips for magically working faster lol.
@Manuel7070Posted about 1 month agoHello @dreemanuel, I highly recommend you utilize the Accessibility and HTML Reports. Both will help you identify and fix any errors in your code.
0 - @ElWise237Submitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
What am proud of is:
- To be able to complete this project and making it look exactly like the sample i was given.
What i will do differently is to adjust my work to be as perfect as the sample i was given.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The challenges i encounter were:
- My main challenge was CSS properties that will make my page look like and card looks perfectly in the middle of my body element.
- Positioning of Parent and Child elements in HTML to avoid the use of CSS positioning which may be a problem when toggling between the mobile and desktop version.
- Making the Desktop and Mobile fitted to screen without any element changes it's position.
I will probably be needing help with CSS especially on how to position HTML elements in a perfect way depending on any project. Also i need to know when to use CSS positioning and when not to use it as a property in CSS.
@Manuel7070Posted about 1 month agoHello @ElWise237, be sure to review both the Accessibility and HTML reports, as they will help enhance your coding skills. Also, make use of the Design comparison tool to evaluate your design effectively.
Marked as helpful0 - @gopinath-97Submitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I have used bootsrap on this to make the code less and add the css further. Hope this works. 😊
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Give me feedbacks on my code to make it more simplier and point out any bugs if present
- @Ejiro-FrancesSubmitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I finally understand how box shadow works.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Replicating the box shadow was a challenge, I searched the web and got a solution from w3schools.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?How do I choose a font size for my projects?
@Manuel7070Posted about 1 month agoThis card component won't be used as the page title. It will be placed below the main heading, so it shouldn't include an
tag. Instead, use a lower heading level, such ash2
, to reflect its lower importance.Remember to use the
tag for the blog post title.0 - @CarlaSablic95Submitted about 1 month ago@Manuel7070Posted about 1 month ago
It's a beautiful work of art, the main grid setup seems straightforward, but since there’s only one column and row defined (grid-template-columns: 1fr; grid-template-rows: 2fr;), it could be simplified or expanded upon if more complexity is required later.
The rest of the review will come from @gracesnow take her seriously, she will help you max your developer skills, and utilize the Accessibility and HTML report.
Marked as helpful1 - @mshah007Submitted about 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
i pleased with how much faster i could do it time rather than last time
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I didnt know how to install the font but i googled and had to figure out how to do it and i did!
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?getting th font sizes same as design
- @blacbrueSubmitted about 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
It's been awhile since I did web development using pure HTML and CSS, and I'm proud of what I could create. I'm really proud of the overall design of the div box and, the margins and padding of it. I'm surprised I handled the CSS well this time, although I had to do some research to get the results that I wanted.
- Optimise CSS and HTML (if possible)
- Understand the basic functions and properties of CSS
- Try to minimise the use of Google or other websites for assistance (learn from experience)
I struggled with the margins between the title text and the caption as they were a few pixels off compared to the original design picture. Didn't manage to mitigate it so I just let it be. I was also struggling on the box shadow of the div box. My solution was using a Figma plugin that converts a layer's shadow into CSS At first, I also struggled trying to fit the QR Code image into the box div. After some research and browsing on StackOverflow, I got my answer and fixed the issue.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I would like to know how I could reduce the margin between the bolded title text and the caption. Other than that, I think everything else checks out. Do leave feedback on the overall design/technicals of the page though, I'd appreciate it alot.
- @NinnoMexsSubmitted 2 months ago@Manuel7070Posted about 2 months ago
The color of the 'h1' should be color: hsl(218, 44%, 22%) recommended by the challenger.
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