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  • Bryan 130



    Hi Miguel,

    I am not as skilled as you (yet :p) so I am not able to review your code but I still wanted to say that the project looks amazing ! Bravo !

    Have a good one :D

  • @IBK999


    This challenge is a bit tricky when I started it, it my first time using css flexbox as a display property. I did find this challenge interesting because I learnt a lot about flexbox but I still haven't grab the whole concept to my satisfaction.

    If anyone has a blog post or a video with an in depth explanation of flexbox please paste the link to it in the answer section.

    Thank You

    Bryan 130



    Hi Ibrahim,

    Check out this video from Kevin Powell if you want to learn more about Flexbox:

    Here is another one from SuperSimpleDev. It's really long but check the time code in the description to skip to the part where he speaks of flexbox and grid:

    Have a good one !

    Marked as helpful

  • Bryan 130



    Hi Mahmud,

    Great job on your first project ! For the next project I recommend to create a seperate css file for your style. Your code will be way cleaner and thus easier to read. You forgot to center your main-conatiner aswell. For that, personnaly, I create an overlay underneath to center my main-container (not sure it is the best solution though - I am a beginner aswell :D). Try to read your whole code before submitting it to fix minor coding typo such as empty <div>, forgot indents, useless spaces between elements. Oh and a last one read the report right below the design comparison to simply fix a few things.

    Over all great job ! Have a good one.

    Marked as helpful

  • Filip 110



    It was a little hard to center a image into a div and take the other side of the main section but I managed this at the end. Any tips to center a img into a div and take a full space , except my example.? And can someone answer how I can adjust length of paragraph , that is, determine where my words stand? Also I know that there is a small error in paragraph, but I made it as close as I could like original.

    Bryan 130



    Hi Filip,

    First of all, great job man for this project ! Tried to have a closer look on your design to really match the paddings. Try not to use fixed units (px) for your margins, paddings, heights and widths but try instead using rem or em (you can find a "px to rem convertor" online ;) ).

    Once you think you're done read your whole code once more to see if you made mistakes or forgot stuffs. For exemple, in your css for the h1 your forgot to add the unit for the line-height.

    Tiny feedback from a fellow beginner ! Keep on going Filip :D
