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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This project is a Rock-Paper-Scissors game built with React , Typescript and Tailwind Css. The game features the following components and functionalities:

        Hero: The main component that houses the game logic and state management.
        Score: Displays the current score of the player.
        Icons: Represents the selectable icons for rock, paper, and scissors.
        Rules: Shows the game rules in a modal.
        Winner: Displays the result of the game round, indicating whether the player won, lost, or drew.
    State Management:
        Score: Keeps track of the player's score.
        isRulesOpen: Boolean state to control the visibility of the rules modal.
        myChoice: The player's choice (rock, paper, or scissors).
        computersChoice: The computer's random choice.
        winner: Indicates the result of the game round (You, The House, Draw, or null).
    Game Logic:
        Icon Selection: The player selects an icon, triggering the computer's random choice after a brief delay.
        Determining the Winner: The winner is determined based on the rules of Rock-Paper-Scissors. The game checks combinations to see if the player wins, loses, or if it is a draw.
        Score Update: The score is updated based on the result of the game round.
    User Interface:
        Before Choice: The player is presented with three icons (rock, paper, scissors) to choose from.
        After Choice: Displays the player's choice, the computer's choice, and the result of the game round.
        Rules Modal: Displays the rules of the game when the rules button is clicked.
        The project uses Tailwind CSS for styling the components, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing interface.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Writing the correct Type for every variable in Typescript.

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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This is my first project with typescript. I appreciate any suggestion about my code and how i could write it more efficient.

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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Hi guys. My app is not quite same as expected design. I did it with react and Tailwind CSS. any suggestion is appreciated.

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    I would be grateful if anyone could tell me how I can write this in less lines and get rid of some of IF statements in my code.

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    I use Tailwind-css for the first time and design this page without a single line of CSS. Tailwind can be a little overwhelming at first but you will get use to it fast. combination of CSS and Tailwind can be really useful for discipline and have organized custom properties.

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    I think that I wrote a lot of codes for this projects. I appreciate comments about my javaScript's code

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    news homepage

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    my first hamburger menu. hovers does not work. I appreciate if some one help me with that.

  • Submitted

    age calculator

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I think that I over use IF statement

  • Submitted

    I have issues hiding the share content after showing up. It would be great if some one guide me on this.

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    Chat app

    • HTML
    • CSS


    I think that I repeated some properties quite a lot. Appreciate the feed backs.