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  • Submitted

    Hey, Frontend community 👋

    In this project, the main focus was on replicating functionality using React and enhancing this project with a button that toggles between light and dark themes. This was not an easy task. I am aware that my CSS could look better, but I plan to refine it at a later time.

    Your feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated, as they will contribute to my growth as a frontend developer. Thank you for taking the time to examine my project!

  • Submitted

    Hey, Frontend community 👋

    In this project, I've crafted a visually stunning solution that addresses a specific challenge while incorporating a redesign, semantic HTML5, mobile adaptation, and hover styles.

    Your feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated, as they will contribute to my growth as a frontend developer. Thank you for taking the time to examine my project!

  • Submitted

    Hello, Frontend community! 👋

    In this project, I created a responsive and visually appealing solution to a challenge by incorporating a Cart and additional features.

    Through this project, I have improved my skills in writing React and Redux, such as adding a button for adding items to the Cart and the Cart functionality where you can change the quantity and delete items.

    I am excited to continue honing my skills and creating even more impactful and innovative solutions in the future.

    Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions with me as they will help me grow as a frontend developer. Thank you for taking the time to review my project!

  • Submitted

    Hi, Frontend community 👋

    In this project, I've created a responsive and visually appealing solution to a challenge by incorporating animations and additional features.

    Through this project, I've improved my skills in writing semantic HTML5 and implementing HTML forms and input fields with proper error handling.

    Additionally, I also implemented a custom cursor. To enhance the visual experience, I utilized the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) library to create smooth and engaging animations for different elements on the webpage.

    Overall, this project allowed me to not only showcase my frontend development skills but also expand my knowledge of modern web design techniques and best practices. I'm excited to continue honing my skills and creating even more impactful and innovative solutions in the future.

    Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions with me, as they will help me grow as a frontend developer. Thank you for taking the time to review my project!

  • Submitted

    Built with semantic HTML and CSS Flexbox.

    • I couldn't figure out how to make the underline rounded under "learn more".

    Please feel free to provide any feedback that could help enhance the code.

  • Submitted

    I have doubts regarding the suitable mobile adaptation. And I'm wondering how to minimize the css code and make it clean.

  • Submitted

    Hello, Frontend Mentor Community! 👋 I have submitted my first challenge and I am very excited to receive feedback on how I have performed.