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All comments

  • Lucas Bertaβ€’ 260



    Hi @eradoria,

    Your live website is not working on github pages. Please note when you're deploying a react project, you need to point it to the build, not the root folder. Try doing the below to make your life easier.

    Add below to your package.json dependencies: "gh-pages": "^4.0.0" And below to your scripts: "deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

    After running yarn/npm install, run yarn/npm build and then yarn/npm deploy. It will automatically create a branch for your build and point your github pages to this new branch.

    I hope you find this feedback useful =)

  • Greta Vasiulyteβ€’ 20



    1. i tried to introduce if-else statement so the page would not load if the rating is not selected:

    submitButton.addEventListener("click", () => {

    if (evaluation) {

    receiptContainer.classList.remove("hidden"); = "none";

    } else {


    } });

    but it didint work and i couldnt come up with another way to do it. i looked up other peoples solutions for inspiration, but they all looked so complicated and unreasonably long.

    1. apparently, i suck at responsiveness. this is a second project that i fail to adjust it to a mobile device.
    Lucas Bertaβ€’ 260



    Hi Greta, the live page is not working so I can't check what's the issue with the responsivity, but I've seen you didn't use @media queries on your project.

    Try to search for "@media css" on google, you'll quickly understand it and will be able to implement it on your project for making it responsive.

    Also, try to replace all px units to rem units for a better responsivity patterns.

    I hope you find this feedback useful =)

    Marked as helpful

  • Lucas Bertaβ€’ 260



    Hey @Bory3693,

    Try using rem units instead of px, it's recommend specially when working with responsivity. Here's an article with a brief explanation.

    I hope you find this useful. Happy coding =)

    Marked as helpful

  • Lucas Bertaβ€’ 260



    Hey there,

    Try calling your showadvice function once DOM Content is loaded, at this moment your app is not loading any advice when the page is loaded until the user clicks the dice button =)

  • Lucas Bertaβ€’ 260



    Thanks, lads. I've updated the code using your advices. Much appreciated.
