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    Feel free to give me some feedback!

    The "testimonial grid section" challenge helped me a lot to try and make this grid work.

    I guess the only question i have is, whenever adding icons, I've seen multiple ways of doing it:

    1. By creating a class for your icon, going in your css and then add it in css with background-image: url("images/xxx.svg");
    2. <img src="images/image.jpg"></img> and edit it in css with img { }
    3. <button class="button" data-icon="icon">xxx</button>
    .button[data-icon="shopping-cart"]::before {
    content: " ";
    background-image: url("images/icon-cart.svg");
    width: 15px;
    height: 16px;

    which one is better to do and what's the difference

  • Submitted

    I did cheat a little bit and watched Kevin Powell's video on this project but it helped me a lot understanding grids better with the two methods shown in the video.

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    Feel free to give me some feedback!

    Hey, So I started with the mobile version first and i knew it would be a problem after but how do i make the grid flip side when it goes from mobile to desktop since my images comes first in my HMTL. i tried experimenting with 'grid-column:' but it doesnt work.

    Let me know what i can do.

  • Submitted

    Feel free to give me some feedback!

    I got stuck with this challenge longer than expected but after watching some videos on grids i think i nailed it. I also saw that it's better to start with the mobile design so I did just that. I had some trouble with the desktop version but after finding out about 'grid-column: span 2;' it went much smoother.

    The only problem i have with this challenge now is that the "tablet" version is not really optimized. I'm still struggling with having a margin in my viewport as my content shrinks down. Between 600px and 850px the content just merges into the left side of the viewport also.

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    This is just an updated version of this challenge with an improved desktop and mobile layout, nothing special.

    Something i noticed though is that between 600px and 625px resolution, theres a little gap under the image in the desktop version, its very brief and i dont think anyone will notice.

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    I'm pretty happy with the result but i still have some questions over some difficulties i have:

    • I used grid and made all three columns 1fr wide, was that the right choice ?
    • As i shrink down the resolution for the mobile version, at 900px wide the content gest pushed out of the left side of the screen, how do i avoid that.
    • in my mobile version, the content doesnt take the whole sceen (width) idk if i was supposed to do so but i would like it to be more responsive, i guess it has to do something with the "display: block;" I used since "grid-template-rows" didnt let me put the three cards in one long "strip". maybe flexbox would've been better ?

    Thanks for your help.

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    Hello, looking for feedback When i learned css i never used rem/em and vh/vw so this is a first time. Also i think I'm using unnecessary classes. Let me know if there was a more optimal way to write my html and css.

    PS: Still have to do mobile version i just wanted to have some feedback first.

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    Feel free to comment on anyhting you find unnecessary in my code or if there was a more optimal way to do this. Also, i struggled with putting my container in the middle of the page without using margin.