The toggles
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Trying to toggle one at a time
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Still a little confused in making a site responsive, any tip?
The toggles
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Trying to toggle one at a time
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Still a little confused in making a site responsive, any tip?
Hi Christian! for responsive page you need to use mediaquery. I first do all the mobile configurations, and then for the laptop. You can use this: /* Media query for laptop */ @media (min-width: 1024px) { // here all the laptop configurations }
You did a solution including semantic HTML. Remember to include the mediaquery configurations for the mobile view as the font looks quite small 😉
Your code functions correctly, allowing you to reach the target. You should use variables for the colors, so if you ever need to change the page's color scheme, you only have to do it once. For example: :root { --bg-color-body: #141414; --bg-color-main: #1f1f1f; --bg-socialmedia: #333333; --location: #c5f82a; }
Your code is well-structured and organized, and you successfully replicated the image as requested. Please remember to include this information in the file, as it serves as the project description and helps to understand what you did and the results achieved.
Your solution includes semantic HTML. Because of the "attribution" div, the QR container is a little higher up than the design view, but the code is fine, well-structured, readable