It took me a while to understand Javascript functions since I'm quite new to Front end development but I am happy with the result and able to understand more about the JS language
@LartzmanuelAll comments
- @thaihanguyen98Submitted about 1 year ago@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year ago
Site looks pretty great! Great job👍 In your github repo I found your .gitignore file. gitignore are not meant to be accessed by anyone who views your repository. This is because gitignore files usually contain sensitive data such as passwords. I don't know how you uploaded it in your repo but make sure it's not accessible to others so that sensitive data wouldn't be compromised! Hope this helps!
0 - @karan-2004Submitted about 1 year ago
Please do criticize it with the best of your knowledge
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agoHi there, I just checked your site using mobile phone and everything wasn't in place. Try to make your design responsive to mobile screen by designing your app using mobile first approach Remove the box shadow as it was not in the original design Add some padding in your input to also create some spacing. Try to also play around the font sizes to get your design closer to the original design I hope this helps!👍
1 - @arikanbSubmitted about 1 year ago
###I found difficult to change the image for responsive design. How can I change the image without JavaScript, with only css?
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agoYou can use media queries like this:
@media-query only screen and (min-width: 700px){ .image-container { content: url(/assets/images/etc); Object-fit: cover; } }
Note that I just used 700px as my break point for example sake. You can adjust the break point to your liking.
I hope this helps👍
0 - @TurbosohaibSubmitted about 1 year ago
Created Frontend mentor challenge using tailwind css
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agoHey Man, Site looks pretty great in terms of layout. A few things need to be handled. When you hover over some of elements they don't change colors as required in the project. You also need to handle your button's background when hovered on. Your site is not mobile responsive. These issues when handled will make the site perfect! Keep up the good work man :)
Marked as helpful1 - @JessicaRagnarSubmitted about 1 year ago
This was quite an easy exercise, but really fun to create something small and pretty! It's good to practice flexbox too.
All feedback is welcome!
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agoHey there, Checked out your site and it's pretty cool.. But a few things.. It'd be better to rather target all html elements and reset to allow proper layout control. Code below
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }
Aside that I think every other thing is fine. Hope this helps!
Marked as helpful0 - @FluffyKasSubmitted about 1 year ago
This is my solution to the product preview card challenge. Wasn't too complicated so I turned it into a speedrun. Managed to code and deploy it under an hour. If I missed anything, feel free to point it out!
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agoHi there👋. You managed to get your design almost like the original design. That's great!..And what did you say? You this everything under an hour that's really crazy💪. Checked out your codes too and it was clean. Saw a few things in your code I've never known. You're really someone I'd like to learn from🤗🤗
Great Job there!!
0 - @szczepaniecerykSubmitted about 1 year ago@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year ago
Site looks great but some few alterations have to be made. On mobile screen your image has some padding. Which is not supposed to be so according to the original design. Also "Valid email required" which shows up after a user enters an invalid email should appear at the right top corner of the input box. Your success message screen which also appears after a successful validation is actually supposed to be for a desktop screen rather than a mobile screen. There's a success screen for mobile view too. Kindly check that out and make the design for that too. I hope this helps!
0 - @ogustavodiasSubmitted about 1 year ago
Hey guys!
This is the first advanced level project that has been completed here on the platform, using a recently learned framework. Therefore, it was very difficult to complete this project, and despite having achieved it, I am sure that there are many opportunities for improvement, especially in the code.
I would be very grateful if you have any tips and constructive criticism.
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agoSite looks really great man! Just checked it out and everything works fine. Great Job!!
Marked as helpful1 - @Anjola12364Submitted about 1 year ago@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year ago
Site looks cool. A few things you need to add
body { display: flex; Justify-content: center; align-items: center; min-height: 100vh; }
This code will center you card both horizontally and vertically.
Also try to adjust paddings of the texts so that it can look close to the original design
Hope this helps👍
0 - @Saurav-Q1Submitted about 1 year ago
- Adding the custom fonts was a little difficult for me
- I did not knew that i can hide overflow of a parent div
Can anyone suggest a better way for adding custom fonts? Thanks in advance.
Sorry for my English.
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agoTo add custom fonts you can use the @font-face rule..
@font-face { font-family: 'The font family '; src: url('path to the font'); }
To learn more you can read from here
Hope this helps👍
Also try to make your site responsive for all screens
0 - @SubhsreeSubmitted about 1 year ago
help me if you find any error in the code .i want to improve my code .help me
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agobody { display:flex; flex-direction: column; Justify-content: center; Align-items:center; min-height: 100vh; }
When the flex direction is set to column it will bring the info beside your card to the bottom just as you would want. With the min-height you can choose to use 100dvh.
Hope you find this useful👍
Marked as helpful0 - @irfanqsSubmitted about 1 year ago
how to write media queries properly ?
@LartzmanuelPosted about 1 year agoMedia queries in CSS are used to apply different styles for different devices or screen sizes. They allow you to create responsive designs that adapt to various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Here's a general structure for writing media queries:
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { /* Styles for small screens */ } /* Media query for medium screens (e.g., tablets) */ @media only screen and (min-width: 601px) and (max-width: 1024px) { /* Styles for medium screens */ } /* Media query for large screens (e.g., desktops) */ @media only screen and (min-width: 1025px) { /* Styles for large screens */ }
If you use a mobile workflow first, note that the initial styles you write before any media query will be for mobile screens. You can read more about media queries here
I hope I helped :)