I have some questions regarding accessibility...
- What are the main things that I need to consider about it when building a website?
- Any recommendations for a good source to learn it from?
I have some questions regarding accessibility...
Hello, so for accessibility you need to think of a bunch of things. I think it would be too long to type all. Freecode Camp has a nice section in their CSS course on accessibility (https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/responsive-web-design/#applied-accessibility). I used that in conjunction with this https://www.telerik.com/blogs/web-accessibility-guidebook-for-developer . It's not something you can learn in one day, so try to aim to spend at least a few days to a week. I myself am not done reading the article. But the free code camp section helps a lot in fastening up the learning curve.
Some main points that I have learned are as follows:
This is my second attempt at this challenge. I have two important questions that I would appreciate if anyone is to answer.
You don't have to answer 2 of the questions. Answering any one of them is already a saving grace. Any other pointers or suggestions will also be appreciated.
Wow, Thank you so much. This was so helpful. I actually thought I knew enough about event listeners, turns out I don't . I will make sure to correct my code. Thanks a lot once again. I really appreciate it!
I was not able to figure out a way to make the image full width in the mobile layout without negative margins and calc compensation... I used that originally, but it cost be later as I ran into an issue where the negative margin was causing some unknown overflow and messing with the size of the body. If anyone can help, I would like to know how I could have done that better.
I was not able to figure out a way to make the image full width in the mobile layout without negative margins and calc compensation... I used that originally, but it cost be later as I ran into an issue where the negative margin was causing some unknown overflow and messing with the size of the body. If anyone can help, I would like to know how I could have done that better.
Hello there, you could try removing padding on the "left" class. Then you could try adding that padding (the 2.5rem) to each of the items in your inner-container elements individually except the image. The problem is that the padding for the "left" class is affecting everything inside it so it invariably affects the "inner -container", therefore affecting the picture. Let me know if this was helpful. Also, could you follow me so that you can also correct me on whatever solution I post? I am a newbie :).
What could I improve?
Hello, I wanted to help check out your code, but it seems the link to the git repository is for another project.
Feedback of any kind would be greatly appreciated :)
Feedback of any kind would be greatly appreciated :)
Hello, so I have a few pointers if I may:
Try using semantic HTML, going to your code there is just a lot of divs in places that could be semantic. For example, instead of using divs for buttons, you could just use your button tag. It offers the same functionality but is just a bit more readable. Semantic HTML is also best for accessibility purposes. You could dedicate two hours tops to learning it, it's really not that difficult.
Asides from that, I think you are good to go. If I wanted to get nitpicky, I would say that the space between the "annual plan" area is too close to the "change" area. I looked through your code and it looks to me like you made a mistake in the divs. There is a div whose class is "left-part", I am guessing change is supposed to be in a div with a class "right-part" so that you can properly space them out. I may be wrong though.
I am a beginner, kindly consider giving me feedback on the projects I have completed. I would really appreciate it.
Please let me know how how it looks and how to improve it. I'd really appreciate your feedback, thanks.
Hi !, I am glad my feedback was helpful. So for the font, It is really quite easy. Here are the steps you should take:
Voila!, you are done. I would advise going to the google font website (https://fonts.google.com/) and trying to implement a font of your choice for a previous project you have done, just so the process sticks. Try reading this article for a better explanation, https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-use-google-fonts-in-your-next-web-design-project-e1ad48f1adfa/
if you can rate the work from 1 to 10, what will you give it? why?
Hello, your work is pretty great. Maybe try to use google fonts to change it to the actual font used in the design. It should be in the style guide. The only point I have is to focus more on the design and try to replicate it. There are some things (just like the font) that aren't like the design instructed. For example, the size of the order summary text is nowhere close. If you look closely at it, the font weight of the 59.99 text is pretty light in contrast to yours which is a lot darker. I don't want to get nit-picky, so try to just focus more on these seemingly minute details cause they go all the way in making everything look cohesive. Hope I was a bit helpful! Side note: If I post any projects, could you please give me some pointers?, we rise by lifting others. Cheers!
Please let me know how how it looks and how to improve it. I'd really appreciate your feedback, thanks.
Hello, you did great. Here are a few notes I have:
Hello everyone!, This is my first project on Frontend mentor, any tips will be highly appreciated. I am also not sure if it is fully responsive across all devices. If I can get some help with that, it would be really appreciated . Thank you!
I was wondering why my border-radius looked so weird. I will take note and correct everything. Thanks a lot!