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    I finished this project to exercise my Angular skills.

    I had a lot of fun with this challenge.

    I'm quite a newbie in Angular, so let me know if you have any suggestions of improvement or Best Practice that I missed.

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone,

    I tried some new methods for this project.

    • ripple effect for all buttons that is only visible on devices that uses a touchpad
    • used intersection observer so that the articles fade in when you scroll down to them
    • gradient color with transition on hover for the links and svg images in the footer
  • Submitted

    Hello everybody, to create this project I used React and Sass. I implemented the Loading Spinner with Lottie animation. For the state management I used mostly useReducer. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions for improvement.

  • Submitted

    Hello everybody, i implemented some animations for this project.

    • tilt effect on hover over the image
    • some animations when changing slides

    If anyone has any suggestions for improvement let me know.

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    I created this Application with React, Sass and used localStorage to save the shortened links. I need some feedback on my Form component where most of the interactions takes place. I think that the Output components gets re-rendered every time I enter something in the input element. Maybe someone knows some best practices to get rid of this problem.

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    I have a question about the slider part of the landing page. For the Mobile version i used for the slider-container a width of 400% and for every slide a width of 25%, so that there is always only one slide visible on the page. For the Desktop version i didn't know if the slider should be interactive, so i designed it just like it looks on the design-image. Now i used for the slider-container a width of 157% to make three slides visible on the page. And then I tweaked the slider-container with translateX to center the second slide somehow on the middle of the page. So my question is, if there is a better way to handle this, maybe to somehow calculate it to get exactly the center of the page.

    Is there a way to align svg images to baseline, its especially noticable that they are not straight on the desktop version of the page.

    Is the font-family really 'Be Vietnam Pro' some letters look different on the design-images like the small g.