I am proud that i was able to do it within a short period of time.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Sourcing for the image.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Nothing for now.
I am proud that i was able to do it within a short period of time.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Sourcing for the image.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Nothing for now.
Hello everyone,
I hope you're all doing well. I'd like to express my gratitude for taking the time to review my solution. Your feedback is greatly valued, and I'm eager to learn from your insights.
I have a few questions that have been on my mind. Firstly, I'm curious about the best approach to dynamically utilizing data for the landing page. Currently, I'm using a local JSON file to manipulate the page. However, I'm unsure if this is the recommended practice, or if it's better to source this data from API.
Secondly, I'm interested in learning about your strategies for handling images. What solutions have you found to be most effective in terms of optimization?
Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide. Looking forward to your thoughts.
In order to make this project more realistic and usable, I added user authentication to the project to make sure a given user can post comments and replies with their chosen name/handle. I haven't added the ability to upload profile images yet, but that will come down the line to complete the project.
I also made some design alterations to ensure the user authentication is being utilized to its full extent, such as disallowing a user from editing or deleting feedback that they did not generate and adding a login/signup modal. There are other design additions, but I kept the vast majority of the project true to the design spec.
If you'd like to interact with the site, I've provided a demo login that you can populate by clicking the button at the bottom of the modal that comes up when you click "Log in"
Many ways to catch a bird, this is my own approach. Your constructive criticism is welcomed.
Hello 👋
This is my solution for order summary component challenge built with:
HTML and TailwindCSS.
Estimated time: 30 minutes!
What is your time estimation process/philosophy for projects?