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  • Submitted

    It is a good challenge that tests a lot of skills, the first time that I didn't use BEM naming for CSS and I wouldn't say I liked that

    overall it's a good-looking website (the designers did a nice job)

  • Submitted

    Country API / React

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    nice challenge, I had to improvise with hover effects which was fun

  • Submitted

    wanted to practice custom fetch hook , ended up not using it will probably up that on a later date

  • Submitted

    An excellent challenge to practice my React skills, it was my first time using Sass + React at the same time, and I had a hard time trying to mix my Sass with React without making it unclear.

  • Submitted

    since I am pretty new with React, the challenge was perfect for practicing my skills

    Feedback is always welcome :)

  • Submitted

    wanted to practice some react concepts that I learned in a react course

    had some trouble with switching the background color when the item was selected so I just used :focus() with CSS

  • Submitted

    github search-app

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    bad project My JS is not working with Vite, also, i don't know how to prevent the project from running when the value of the input is empty / wrong

  • Submitted

    used sass a bit overkill but wanted to practice

    I don't know why my form error isn't working I think it has to do with Vite it worked in dev mode but not after deployment

    if anybody knows please let me know

  • Submitted

    a couple of tricky CSS challenges, but nothing too fancy, made it my own personal portfolio

    did a couple of design changes on the things I didn't like

    • removed the white circle from the hero
    • added overflow hidden on the circle patterns
  • Submitted

    fun page to do with quite a lot of js. The pages are a bit messy

    had some trouble with the index of the mobile hamburger/filter menu so the results don't match for that part

    if you know the solution feedback is always welcome :)

  • Submitted

    URL shortening API

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    feedback is always welcome ;) problems : How can I throw the request when the input for the API is non-valid?

  • Submitted

    First ever level 5 challenge,

    used HTML, CSS, vanilla js

    it looked straightforward but there were a lot of small challenges, overall quite fun

    problems the cart on the main page doesn't work correctly, I fetch the data from the JSON but since my index is in another folder he can't find that

    feedback is always welcome ;)

  • Submitted

    I had some trouble with the carousel, I used splideJS for the first time the designs don't match because I couldn't figure out how to link the buttons to the slider so i used the included arrows

  • Submitted

    Dictionary web app

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Not having a lot of experience using API, made it a tough but fun challenge prob wanna use root for the colors next time to make my life a lot easier on dark mode

    Feedback appreciated

  • Submitted

    News homepage

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    tried to do everything with Grid but ended up with too much code, switched at the end back to Flexbox.

    had some trouble with adjusting the background brightness when opening the hamburger menu so made it blurry for now some tips would be appreciated

  • Submitted

    A fun challenge to do, had a bit of inspiration when I saw @legend-sabbir his version this was a good opportunity to practice animations.


    Kept on getting white space with the columns but fixed this with margin -px don't know if this is the right way of solving it.

    the background images keep zooming in when changing screen sizes reached out on Discord and Alex told me to use <picture> in the HTML next time

  • Submitted

    I think the error handling is quite bad, would've liked to add separate error messages for empty or wrong input

  • Submitted

    Accordion Card

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    problems: 1: had some trouble with the picture + background position while maintaining responsiveness ( solved after research)

    2: there is no animation for the text when clicking on the triangle (I need to spend some time mastering animations/hamburger menu's)

  • Submitted

    Age Calculator

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    couldn't figure out how to limit the input to the amount I wanted

    in HTML it only works for text but I used the input for numbers

  • Submitted

    had some trouble with the javascript first tried to get get the information through html form but I couldn't get it to work

    i also have a lot of global variables which is kinda bad