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    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Re-visiting this project I made a note to focus and prioritize the overall performance and speed of the application, I mostly used google dev tools, Lighthouse and the Network tabs specifically as well as a Chrome Extension called Web Vitals, the scores and feed back that I got from these tools were overall pretty good but I still feel like theirs some optimizations that I could've done to even further improve this project if anybody has the time to look over my code and give some tips and advice that'd be greatly appreciated.

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    Very fun side project to work on while I've been tackling a level 5 challenge. While I feel this challenge went and looks great I feel the image quality is not as sharp as I'd like for it to be, and im not sure if that's something on my end or just the overall quality of the image.

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    Finished sometime ago along with the Sunny Side homepage and just now got around to uploading it, one thing I want to do with my current and past projects will be to work on cross-browser compatibility to make these more complete and presentable projects for my Job hunt, as always any advice is appreciated.

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    Wrote this using React, Typescript, and regular CSS. this was my first time building my application through Vite and I have to say i really enjoyed the process more than any other webpack that I've used in the process. this took me about a week in total to finish and I had fun with it the entire time! ironically enough I had the toughest time with uploading this github pages lol. As always any advice and feedback is greatly appreciated especially on a project of this scale.

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    Finally finished this one, and to be quiet honest I felt like their was much I could've done better especially on the side of code optimization and organization as well, however I'm glad whenever I get more experience working with API's as well as theme switching/saving. I think from now on I'll be using React.js for the majority of my challenges especially mutli-paged challenges as I feel its much easier to manage and work with. As always any feed back on this would be greatly appreciated.

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    Calculator App

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    First time working with theme switching.

  • Submitted

    IP Address Tracker

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Finished this some time ago but had to completely re-do how I managed the API key and post/get request (decided to try out Node.js for the first time). I got everything working with my program properly calling from the API however this is my first time uploading a project with server side js to a website so I unfortunately don't have the api call working at this point if anybody could potentially assist with this I'd greatly appreciate it.

  • Submitted

    This would gave me quite a bit of trouble (mostly with the margining of the entire element) luckily a found a video on youtube to help walk me through a majority of this project, unfortunately I cant find the exact video I had used :(

  • Submitted

    Not much to say on this one started this one sometime last night and just wrapped up the media dimensions and mobile versions this morning.

  • Submitted

    Another small one finished found this one easier than the last couple I've done biggest issue I had was getting the scripting element to work properly (I like to use defer with the scripting element and turns out placing defer at the end of the element works best). Like always any advice is greatly appreciated will probably tackle a level 2 or 3 program next!

  • Submitted

    Another challenge that I enjoyed, probably gonna try and at least do 1 or 2 of these a day for the next few days, once again any advice on what can be done is greatly appreciated.

  • Submitted

    Was a fun little project to work if theirs any advice on anything I could do better I'd greatly appreciate it.

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    Currently not finished as I'm having issues getting the error text message for the month input value to show so I left it out for the time being, if anybody potentially has any advice on what I could do to resolve this issue that'll be greatly appreciated, also any tips on optimizing my code or are elements that I could done differently would be greatly appreciated.