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  • Moscow 420



    Hello guys my only issue is the media queries if someone can help!

    thank you inadvance and happy coding!



    Hi Moscow!

    I had the same issue regarding getting the corners rounded across the three different divs/containers, another member helped me with the below information!

    You need to set the border-radius to the specific corners for each relevant div/container, per below.

    border-top-left-radius: ;

    border-top-right-radius: ;

    border-bottom-right-radius: ;

    border-bottom-left-radius: ;

    Additionally, you can employ short-hand properties.

    border-radius:(first value for top-left radius) (second value for top right radius) (third value for bottom-right radius) (fourth value for bottom-left radius);

    e.g : bottom-radius: 2px 10px 10px 20px;

    Marked as helpful

  • @Jacwilalasey


    Second challenge completed! (sort of)

    I have 3 questions;

    • When resizing the screen down to mobile, the sub containers all spill over their content e.g. the text and buttons spill out the bottom, how do I manage this?

    • Also when resizing, the sub containers stack from a row, to two on top and one on bottom before going into a full column, how do I avoid this?

    • How to I get border-radius to work on only the 4 corners? each time I added it in, it would curve all 4 corners of each sub container.

    Thanks everyone! Jac



    Thanks @Souicia, @hyrongennike & @AtulKumar0001

    All of your responses are extremely helpful!
