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- Submitted 2 months ago
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- Submitted 4 months ago
Qr code with flex
The biggest problem i had was putting all the content in the center, i did it with
in the body, but i dont know if that was the correct solutionand if you have any other suggestion, please tell me
Latest comments
- @avanthi0207Submitted 2 months ago@JSFGDevPosted about 2 months ago
it is not like the design, i think principal because for margin and padding issues, there are colors issues too, the background of the body or html document must be the "Stone100" that they provide you
in the nutrition part, you could use
Display: grid;
andgrid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
to make the table fill all the space and be more like the design0 - @Yousof27Submitted 2 months ago@JSFGDevPosted 2 months ago
the solution visually is not the same from the original desing, but is nice, because you personalized it.
about the code, i would recommend to have other folder for the css files, and the font you could put it like a variable in the root, in case that you need to use different fonts and in some point you need to change it, that would be more easy
0 - @git-yeah-cssSubmitted 2 months ago@JSFGDevPosted 2 months ago
it see very well in diferent screen sizes, i believe the only thing in the solution differ with the design, is in the line height
0 - @codingat17Submitted 4 months ago@JSFGDevPosted 4 months ago
with a quick view i would recommend you to put the paragraphs above the Qr content, and i think you can use
display: flex;
in the div "main-content" to put all in the center more easy and in less code0