I am really finding it difficult to make it responsive i honestly dont know how as i am still learning flex box, i figured i try my hands on this while learning
Jose Daniel
@J0SEED01All comments
- @iammankatahSubmitted over 2 years ago@J0SEED01Posted over 2 years ago
Hellow @iammankatah, as a recommendation I would use the measure of pixels (px) to give width to the content so it does not overflow or move every time I go downsizing to see the responsive and to align on the X axis and Y axis with flexbox you must give a height to the container if it does not work is always recommended 100vh and then with flexbox is centered with: display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; and with that you avoid giving margin to the boxes to be centered and that the rest is practice and more practice!!!
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Marked as helpful0 - @chriskorsakSubmitted over 2 years ago
I found it a bit tricky getting this design styled for tablets, and ended up going with a media query that checked for tablet orientation. Any feedback on the responsiveness of this site would be welcome...I spent quite a while getting it to work on all device sizes, not just the frontend mentor design jpg's. Thanks!
@J0SEED01Posted over 2 years agoHellow!! El diseño se ve bastante bien aun asi mi recomendacion seria que le quitaras el scroll al body con un overflow hidden y ademas tambien le quitaria el outline al input en la pseudoclase :focus que se ve feo ese efecto cuando hago click sobre el input
1 - @jakewebdSubmitted over 2 years ago
roast me :/ but constructively. I've been learning only for about a week give or take.
@J0SEED01Posted over 2 years agoHola que tal dejo algunas recomendaciones.
Primero que nada los estilos van en un archivo aparte, te creas una carpeta css y dentro el archivo style.css y ese lo linkeas en el HTML <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> ES UNA PESIMA PRACTICA PONER LOS ESTILOS EN EL DOCUMENTO HTML! y otra recomendacion es que los estilos se dan con clases y no con ID en vez de poner ID poner class osea id="main-container" escribir class="main-container" y en el CSS quedaria asi .main-container{ background-color:rgba(255,255,255,1); width:200px; height:320px; position:absolute; left:42%; top:30%; border-radius:5%; box-shadow:2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); } y lo otro es que la etiqueta HTML siempre va antes del BODY, te recomiendo aprender bien HTML Y CSS (flexbox y grid) eso por el momento.