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    This is the first project I have completed on this site using React. I started the project using create-react-app. I have finished all of the development aspects, however I have not posted an actual live version of the app because I am unsure of how the production build works. I tried posting from GitHub Pages, however the README file was all that would appear. For now I have posted my solution to get feedback on my use of React.

    Any tips on cleaning up or improving my code are greatly appreciated! I would also be very grateful if you have any recommendations for posting the live version.

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    This is my first challenge that includes JS. I am still rather new to writing JS code, but I do feel like I have a decent solution. If you have any comments on how I could improve my JS code or general advice that would very appreciated!

  • Submitted

    This was a very good challenge for practicing flexbox and positioning, however I was a bit unprepared for the active states required. The view icon appearing when hovering over the image gave me quite some trouble, but I believe I have come up with a good solution. I tried two different ways, having the image be in the background or positioning the <div> with the icon over top of the image. I ended up positioning the elements over one another. I am unsure if this is the preferred way to go about this, but it seems to work just fine.

    Once again, any feedback or useful tips are very appreciated!

  • Submitted

    I underestimated this challenge when I started it. I originally chose this challenge to use as practice for Flexbox, however the complexity of adding the background images threw me for a loop. After a few hours of study I came up with a solution, but I am still not sure that I went about it the right way. I do feel as though my solution is very close to what is desired, and I am definitely proud of that.

    Any tips on how I could improve the positioning of my background images, accessibility, or general tips are greatly appreciated!

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    This challenge was a tough one, but I feel as though I have a close fit to the desired product. I did have some troubles setting all the elements to the correct sizes, it was a lot of trial and error. I have noticed that there is a small issue with the image when viewing the component in a small window on a desktop, but it still looks like it should on my mobile device. I am not sure if this is because of the <picture> element or my media query.

    Any feedback regarding these topics or general ways to improve my solution are most certainly welcome!

  • Submitted

    The most difficult part for me was figuring out how to center the div element. W3school's CSS tutorial was very helpful in finding the answers I needed.

    I am open to feedback on how I could have done this better. Anything helps really.