Grigoreva Eva
@GrigoryevaEvaAll solutions
- Submitted 5 months ago
Job listings | React, TS, Redux Toolkit, React Router, FSD, SassModule
- JS
It would be great to get feedback on the architecture of the application, because I only recently got acquainted with FSD and, of course, everything related to TypeScript, interfaces.
I'm still a beginner, so there are a lot of pitfalls hidden for my eyes, so if you see something in my project that needs to be paid attention to, please tell me about it!)
- Submitted 5 months ago
Countries listing | React, Redux Toolkit, React Router, FSD, Sass
- JS
I definitely have problems with a long download, as well as the occurrence of the "failed to fetch" error, which sometimes is and sometimes is not. It would be great if you could help me with this.