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    Why didn't Anna like the Chess club :(

    The chess image was really bugging me, just could not get it to float right for the life of me, tried using float, justify self, justify-content with the container but wasn't having it. I added a margin but messed it up for mobile display so left it how it is. Any help with that is appreciated

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    Enjoyed this one! Starting to get the hang of using grid and flexbox, whilst also learning JavaScript. If anyone could help me with the following that would be appreciated:

    I know the CSS is messy, is there a good way of simplifying this code? I know I have repeated a few things that I could easily simplify but any best practises would help me.

    What are the best breaking points for media queries with a design like this?

    I have used a lot of absolute font sizes and image sizes, is there a better way such as using Rem and Em?

    I used grid and flexbox for mobile, I know I can just change the grid to span one column but it is very easy just to change it to flexbox for mobile, is this a bad practise?

    How are the semantics with my HTML?

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    I have recently learnt the grid layout in CSS and decided to implement this into this design to test even though it is a basic design. I also changed the grid layout to flex for when it is mobile as it will only ever need a 1 dimensional layout for mobile. Is this a good way to go about the structure or should I have left it as grid and just make it drop down for mobile? I also couldn't get the icon border to be a perfect circle it was showing as an ellipse no matter what I changed with the width and height. Any help is much appreciated on this.

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    Getting the hang of styling now, however I know there are better ways of doing this and reducing code etc. as well as improving the media queries so any help is appreciated!