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    πŸ‘‹ I used a recursive function to animate the number increase when the age is calculated. I also took account of leap years.

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    Learned more about APIs with this challenge!

    For the animation:

    • loader when fetching advice
    • dice spin animation when clicking the button
    • Button has temporary disabled state to ensure that new advice is fetched before each succeeding click.

    For the accessibility:

    • alert notifier for screen readers when getting new advice and when it is successfully retrieved.
  • Submitted

    • I learned how to make curved sections with clip-path through this challenge!
    • For the load-in animations, I made a fallback for people browsing with JavaScript disabled through the <noscript> tag.
  • Submitted

    If you can't access the netlify site, please use this alternative link.

    This is the first time I made a slideshow!

    I went back to my solution and updated the slider to notify screen readers whenever buttons are pressed. I also used aria-hidden to only let the screen readers read the currently viewed slide.

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    If you can't access the netlify site, please go use this alternative link.

    For the accessibility:

    I used aria-invalid, aria-describedby, and aria-live to inform screen readers when the input is invalid, and to read the error message.

    For the animation:

    I used transition-delay to stagger the appearance of the elements upon page load.

  • Submitted

    Learned how to make dropdowns through this challenge!

    The animations are:

    • The slide-in of the hero content on page load (for desktop layout)
    • The slide-in of the nav menu (on mobile layout)
    • The opening and collapsing of the dropdowns
  • Submitted

    I learned how to make range sliders through this challenge!

    For the animations:

    • The header and card slide upon page load
    • Smooth transitions between pageview and price numbers
    • Ripple effect when the toggle is clicked
  • Submitted

    I learned how to use regular expressions with this project!

    For the form:

    • the card number automatically inputs a space after every 4 numbers.
    • the number input fields have a shake animation when the user tries to add a space.
  • Submitted

    I learned how to make a theme switcher through this challenge!

    For the animation keyframes:

    • I made the cards flip on page load, using transform: rotateX()

    • Using pseudoelements, I included a ripple animation whenever the viewer activates the toggle!

    I also made the transition between themes a bit slow so that it's easier on the eyes.

  • Submitted

    For the desktop version's on-load animations, I used keyframes and the transform attribute.

    To animate each card's top and bottom borders on hover, I used ::after and ::before pseudoelements!

  • Submitted

    I learned how to make a working toggle switch with this challenge!

    To animate the changing of prices, I used the transform attribute.

    My script observes the keydown event when the toggle is focused. The toggle then works by pressing the spacebar or enter key.

  • Submitted

    For laptops with screen heights less than or equal to 800px, I made the grid's height responsive by using vh. I disabled that for taller screens, though, because I didn't want the gap between the header and the testimonials to over-expand.

    I opted to use background-image for the stars, because inserting that as an <img> 15 times in the html makes it seem bloated (in my opinion!). Also, they're just decorative elements.

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    I used grid-template-areas to lay out the <header>, <main> and the <div> with the background-image.

    I reused my own script for the form validation. I added a success message when the email is valid and an alert() for when the email is submitted.

    I also gave the <main> and <header> a maximum width and justified both to center on the grid. I know that it makes the spacing slightly different from the design, but it ensures that the margins are appropriately sized across all screen widths.

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    I practiced using grid for this project, since I'm only used to flex. I used grid-template-areas to lay out the desktop design.

    Also, I avoided using pure white (#fffff) for the white background and text here. Instead I used #fdfdfd to make it easier on the eyes.

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    In this challenge, I practiced using background-image for the card illustration. I learned that using <img> for something like this isn't appropriate because it's not essential to the content. I'll come back and revise previous similar projects soon.