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    That was a challenge, by far the one that I got the most time to conclude after...

    The worst part, was configuring the whole css aspect of the page, mostly due to being so much stuff to work with.

    What are your thoughts on my solution?

    Any changes that I should make? I tried to adjust everything to make it responsive even for mobile screens according to the specs given by the challenge.

    Overall, I'm happy with finishing it.

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    So, overall this was a hard one to code, mostly cause I tend to make things harder on me with trying to make the stuff more complicated than they actually are.

    In the end I'm satisfied with the results, tried to cover all the bases on the inputs such as cover the date we are, and limiting the entries to the most recent possible date, for now and for the future.. so if someone went to enter this site in 5 years from now, the date should work the same as work now.

    So that's it... Any suggestions?

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    At first I was bashing my head against the wall trying to figure out how to make the rating part to change to the thank you message, and i bashed, and bashed, until searching and looking other stuffs on the subject I got an insight on using an css class to make that, after that was just a breeze in the park

    overall, the design, might be a little smaller or off from the original, but it's pretty close, due to me not being able to use figma or sketch...

    What are your thoughts on the solution? Any sugestions?

    Thank you.

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    Overall, it was not that difficult to complete it, I guess I can say that I understand well the concepts of using HTML tags and CSS properties to adjust the site...

    So what do you think of my design? Any changes that I could make to improve it?


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    I had trouble to actually adjust the position on the block. Overall had not too much trouble, but the vertical alignment sure pushed me too much...