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Profile card component
Submitted 7 months agono se como hacer que se ve igual el fonde del main los circulos top y bottom al diseño ?
Latest comments
- @MAY55ASubmitted 7 months ago
- @MiksDev04Submitted 7 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am proud that I am able to finish this section
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I overcome the challenges low difficulty.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?nothing as of now
@FredTagleLLPosted 7 months agovi tu index y en el body es recomendable poner un header y un main minimo un main almenos . tienes dos h1 solo usa una y una eqtiueta span dentro para el otro estilo del titulo
0 - @flaviocmbSubmitted 7 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Besides flexbox, I'm proud the way I handle the images and the little details to keep the components precise and loyal to the project.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I've noticed the fact that we must set width to both the image and the content on the desktop version. That's because of flexbox.
You won't get things done without understanding these:
img, picture { max-inline-size: 100%; /* max-width: 100%; */ block-size: auto; display: block; }
If you use , you will have to set width for the and the .
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Found that firefox handles height differently for some components so the overall height is different from Chrome, for example.
Feel free to comment anything. Thank you for your attention!
- @tarachand-kSubmitted 7 months ago
- @Mazen050Submitted 7 months ago@FredTagleLLPosted 7 months ago
los link de redes sociales debe hacerce con una etiqueta <a> y no con un button por el href que solo el <a> puede usarlo
1 - @Ela1650Submitted 7 months ago@FredTagleLLPosted 7 months ago
en el style guia te dicen que el font es 800 el bold solo tiene 700