Latest solutions
- Submitted about 2 months ago
Multi page form
- JS
-Areas that I can improve my code would be appreciated.
- When the form is empty, how do i make the error messages pop so the user's attention is drawn?
- If a plan is not selected, how do I prevent the page from moving forward.
- How to prevent the user from choosing more than one plan at a time.
- Submitted about 2 months ago
- JS
Any suggestions on improving the code base would be appreciated.
Latest comments
- @angelveliz1837Submitted about 2 months ago@Ejiro-FrancesPosted about 2 months ago
The overall layout looks really good. However I did notice a few things and have suggestions.
- You should have a general selector to fix box-sizing. That is, ''
- { box-sizing: border-box } ''
The <li> items should not be placed in a <div> container. You can use anchor tags within the <li> element for your nav links.
You should apply a transparent padding on the links so that the padding does not create a new space when it is hovered.
0 - @AmilkarAlanSubmitted over 2 years ago
- @Benjihunt97Submitted 11 months ago@Ejiro-FrancesPosted about 2 months ago
This looks really really good. I did notice a few things. From my end:
- The delete button is not working.
- When the main image is clicked it does not show a pop up.
- The cart is automatically added without clicking the 'Add Item' button.
0 - P@TranDanh1122Submitted 3 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
- use svg with mask, new trick learn from handsome man: Bassel || باسل
welcom any idea or comment Thank you, have a nice day
@Ejiro-FrancesPosted 3 months agoThe webpage looks really good across different devices. I noticed that you used hard coded px font sizes in the html, from what I've read, hard-coding px font-sizes into the html can prevent users from increasing the font-sizes as they like on their devices.
Thank you.
0 - @JimztechSubmitted 4 months agoWhat challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
Writing the javascript or logic was intense for me, this is the first project, that made me work with radio forms. Please if u are reading this i'm trying to sharpen my js knowledge and am thinking of taking Data Structures and algo in js. Would that help with making me comfortable with js.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Technical Reviews or critiques are highly welcome.
@Ejiro-FrancesPosted 3 months agoThe layout look good on different devices, the code is readable and well structured.
0 - @sasilagisettiSubmitted about 1 year ago