@Ejc2us10Submitted about 2 years ago
Should the "main" tag contain the whole "card" or should it contain only some part of the content in this case?
Should the "main" tag contain the whole "card" or should it contain only some part of the content in this case?
I've uploaded the revised version of the same task with the advice of @DavidMorgade and @correlucas (thank you!). Also, I added the box shadow, which I didn't realize at first.
Solution URL: https://github.com/Ejc2us10/QR-Code-Component-revised-
Live URL: https://ejc2us10.github.io/QR-Code-Component-revised-/
Additional question: how can I place the cardto the center of the screen? Mine is above the center, but I want it to be displayed in the middle of the screen (for your referrence, I used "margin: 50px auto;" to the main tag in CSS).