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    English version: This is my third challenge and it has been a very rewarding and important learning experience for my Frontend Developer training project.

    For this project, I had access to the drawing files in the Figma version, which made my work a lot easier.

    I look forward to receiving comments that may contribute to this challenge in particular and to my learning in general.

    Versão em Português: Este é meu terceiro desafio e tem sido uma experiência de aprendizado muito gratificante e importante para meu projeto de formação em Desenvolvedor Frontend.

    Para este projeto, tive acesso aos arquivos de desenho na versão Figma o que facilitou muito o meu trabalho.

    Fico na expectativa que comentários que possam contribuir para este desafio em especifico e para o meu aprendizado em geral.

  • Submitted

    This is a solution for the NFT preview card component challenge in Frontend Mentor]( This is my second challenge and they have helped me a lot to improve my HTML and CSS skills.

    I tried to adopt semantic HTML5 markup, CSS custom properties and used Flebox in almost all DIV elements.

    My biggest difficulty was with the overlay effect for DIV .image . I didn't remember how to apply the effect and it was necessary to research other ready-made solutions to be able to deliver the final project. But in the end it was a great learning experience.

    Please feel free for any comments and feedback.