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    Hello everyone! This challenge was a great test for my understanding of grid and flex-box. Also a great test of my understanding of using Media queries to target the background images. All feedback is welcome, especially on if i'm structuring my websites properly.

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    Hello everyone!! Liked how this landing page looked and decided to push my comfort zone and really challenge myself. What knowledge I knew of flex and grid positioning was completely wrong and had to start from scratch but, would't want it any other way!

    What did you find difficult while building the project?

    • Getting the positioning down of the mobile state and desktop state of the images and using relative and absolute was a nightmare.

    Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    • My absolute and relative positioning I feel are shoddy but need to start somewhere.

    Any feedback on how to structure my code better or better CSS rules to get the functionality is welcomed!!

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone! This challenge definitely tested my understanding of using the flex and grid system to get the mobile functionality.

    • The biggest challenge for me was trying to get a handle on the NextJS framework.

    • The part I'm most unsure of is if I'm executing proper practices of positioning and display to get the reactive state thats needed.

    • I had issues with getting 'arrow' icon to form properly, and even more trying to get the error icon show and to not cause the gradient coloring to stretch.

    Would love everyone's thoughts and best practices on how to better structure the webpage in the future.

  • Submitted

    Hello Frontend Squad! This challenge I felt was a great test of my knowledge of CSS so far and humbled me on understanding the flex and grid properties more.

    • What did you find difficult while building the project?

    Getting more deliberate practice on how to choose between flex and grid greatly helped my overall understanding on how to manipulate CSS properties more.

    -Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    With me still trying to get a handle on flex and grid properties more, I feel there are cases where I mixed the use cases often.

    Big shout outs to @GuillermoBPY and his repo:

    helped me get an understanding on which cases to use certain properties.

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    • HTML
    • CSS


    Hello Everyone!! as my first frontend design, I would be very grateful on any tips or suggestions for any improvements and concepts that I should hone in to make my design better!!