Latest solutions
- Submitted 3 months ago
Solution Simple Omelette Recipe
I would like feedback on optimizing my CSS for better performance, especially regarding the layout techniques used (such as Flexbox vs Grid). Additionally, I am looking for suggestions on improving my code structure and organization, particularly with how I manage reusable styles and classes across multiple components.
Any tips on enhancing the overall accessibility of my project, particularly with focus management and semantic HTML elements, would also be appreciated. Finally, if anyone has advice on how to streamline testing and debugging in this type of project, it would be helpful to improve my workflow.
- Submitted 3 months ago
"Me gustaría recibir retroalimentación sobre cómo optimizar las consultas de medios o cómo organizar mejor mis estilos CSS para proyectos más grandes."
- Submitted 4 months ago
Blog Preview Card - Frontend Mentor Challenge
I’d love feedback on the following:
How I can further improve accessibility on the page—specifically if there are any better practices for enhancing screen reader compatibility. Any suggestions for improving the CSS structure, such as using pre-processors like SASS or organizing the code better to avoid redundancy. Recommendations for ensuring cross-browser compatibility, especially on older bro
- Submitted 4 months ago
QR Code Component - Responsive Design with Flexbox
Me gustaría recibir retroalimentación sobre la organización del CSS, especialmente si hay mejores prácticas que podría seguir para hacer que el código sea más limpio y fácil de mantener. Además, agradecería consejos sobre cómo implementar animaciones CSS simples que podrían hacer que el diseño sea más interactivo, sin afectar negativamente el rendimiento.
Latest comments
- @angelveliz1837Submitted 3 months ago
- @ronanlebideauSubmitted 4 months ago@CarliytoxPosted 3 months ago
Hola!, te quedo excelente!, muy parecido al del ejemplo.
No tengo mucho que decir de las consultas de medio, generalmente las uso para cosas simples, pero te puedo comentar que personalmente he utilizado el display grid, los grid-templates con repeat, auto fill y minmax para hacer diseño responsivo con varios elementos, no se si te pueda interesar o ayudar en algo, saludos!
Marked as helpful0 - @Olasubomi123Submitted 4 months ago@CarliytoxPosted 4 months ago
You need to review small adjustments, about the design but the structure is already well made.
Marked as helpful0 - @micjikSubmitted 4 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am proud that am able to complete the task and I am look forward to add speed and accuracy to my project
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I had challenge with the fonts that is included on the project which I went through the documentation but I couldn't see anything
@CarliytoxPosted 4 months agoCheck the color palette from the Style section, placing the requested colors in the style-guide file. which details the sizes, styles and colors of fonts. Check the height of the image, along with the respective margins. the specific information on the margins is in the file as well.