I'm proud of using the same elements on desktop and mobile, no display: none;
rules to using different elements on different viewports.
A lot of absolute positioning, but I manage to deal with it.
I'm proud of using the same elements on desktop and mobile, no display: none;
rules to using different elements on different viewports.
A lot of absolute positioning, but I manage to deal with it.
Hi Adam. I love your work, it shows that you have a great knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
How long have you been studying?
I'm a newbie yet and looking at your code I have learned a few things I didn't see before. (the property "aria" it's very useful)
Thanks for sharing.
excellent use of semantic tags. I'm copying some of that. keep up the nice work!
My ability to calculate the required box size for each element has improved.
Next time I intend to pay close attention to unit sizes.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Choosing between using "gaps" and "justify-content" flex property while designing the profile link section. I made reference to web.dev documentation to know the difference and when to use both. I ended up with "justify-content: space-between" as it help to keep the space between items equal irrespective of the height.
Yes, bro, you got this project nailed down. Good job!
however, according to good practices, it's better to keep your style sheet in a different file. doing so will help in the long run in case you need to update your website, check on the use of methodologies like BEM https://en.bem.info/methodology/css/ keep up. you are doing great.
Very clean code, that is highly appreciated. Keep up the good work.
I really like to build the component from Figma, it's super efficient. I like css flex (flexbox) too, it's really versatile, easy to work with.
The thing I do differently next time is the absolute positions of the lightblue circles. Maybe try not to use exact numbers at positioning?
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The biggest challenge was the absolute positioning, not because of the methodology, but because I was using fixed values. As a result, if the container size changes, the component's appearance deteriorates.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I like to get help how to position the decoration circles to track component sizing changes.
Great job! your project matches well with the original.
I suggest not creating unused CSS rules as it can affect the performance of a bigger project