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    Hello, here's my solution for this challenge. Everything's fine i think however for the desktop size since i had to set 2 of the four cards on absolute position i had problems when resizing from mobile view to desktop. theses to absolutes cards would pass hover. i think the problem come from the width of my media queries or of the cards max-width. Anyway thanks for the design.

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    Hello everyone here's my solution for this challenge. Took me longer than i thought. i just had little bit struggle with the color overlay on the background image. the way i always did was not working i not know why, so i learn a new property background-blend-mode .

  • Submitted

    This is my first time using Tailwindcss so i choose a small project to play with it. first impression i dont like it haha. i've never been a fan of theses things, same for bootstrap but it's always interesting to know at least a little bit how to use them.

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    This challenge was my first multi dropdown menu and i still did not manage to rotate the arrows. i cant figure out how to select them all when the dropdown is open. without the need of adding a ton of js. i think a foreach could be use maybe. but i tried and fail :D .

    I also had to face some specificity problems i think this has to do with how i use scss nesting. it's a bit messy.

  • Submitted

    Hello, ok here's my solution to this challenge. it all went well for the most part but i've been a bit stuck with a border-radius problem on mobile. the only solution i came up was to create another media query just for them but i'm sure there must be an easier solution to do it.

    Also for the javascript part i put all my code inside one function. at first i wanted to use one for fetching and another one to display but couldn't do it. i was trying something like . function fetchData(){ //fetch code } fetchData().then =>{//display code}. but it didn't work. i need to practice more.

    thanks for the feedback you guys could give.

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    it was quite a nice little challenge. i've tried to complete it without using media queries but i failed. i dont even know if it's possible because of the bloc configuration. It worked but i'm not entirely sure of my grid template i feel there is a more easy way to do it. and i'm still not so good with BEM methodology

  • Submitted

    this was an interesting little project. However my big problem is always how to correctly name my classes . i would appreciates to hear about what names you guys would have use.

  • Submitted

    The hardest part was to figure out the body background position correctly ^_^ Other than that i think i did it quite well. I should improve my html class names i think