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All comments

  • @AndiCoding


    Like the variables in :root. on bigger projects it would be nice to instead use class selectors on elements in css, so its easier to understand which elements are being affected and not to introduce unwanted behavior on elements you dont mean to target.

    The site is responsive and reacts well to changes in screen size. the href on a tags can be set to # if you want them to have a placeholder, and behave like an actual link.

  • @Notdutra


    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    not sure if I structured it correctly, and paddings and margin, I dont know if they are correct or exact like in pictures



    • The post-container could be an <article> instead of <div>.
    • Html is clear and easy to read, because youve seperated everything within the card into sections.
    • Font sizing should be rem or em instead of px.
    • good to see media queries included for responsiveness, also like the transition on the breakpoint.
  • @AndiCoding


    Very good solution, it looks absolutely similar. A preferance for me is to have the css in a seperate file. It makes code easier to read. But on small projects like this i can see why it might not be necessary. there also seems to be some redundancy in your css selectors. like ".heading h1" / "desc p" / ".img img". Having descriptive class selectors for each element it shouldnt be necessary to include the type selectors, though it might make elements easier to distinguish.
