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  • Ana 40



    Style Modification Suggestions:

    Generally, at a width of 375px, the card should maintain a little distance (24px) from the edges of the mobile screen, rather than completely filling the screen. It is recommended to use @media along with margin to modify the .blog-card style.

    Instead of directly using width to switch the card width for different layouts, I prefer to use max-width for smoother width transitions. This approach can also eliminate the need for the following code: @media only screen and (max-width: 500px) { .blog-card { width: 327px; }}

    Carefully observe the design mockup; the font has been adjusted between 375px and 1440px. You can refer to the parameters provided in Figma and use @media for responsive web design adjustments.

    Other GitHub Suggestions: Although this is just a practice project, consider modifying the README content to make it easier for those providing feedback to find your live URL.

  • Ana 40



    The code is well written, but the component's styles have some discrepancies compared to the design, such as font size, width, and height. It seems that adjustments could be made by comparing with the Figma design.

    Additionally, I usually include fallback fonts in the font-family, so I recommend changing it to font-family: Outfit, sans-serif;.

    Marked as helpful
