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  • Fabian 30



    If you see my code on index.html lines 183 - 189 > was there better options to use instead of span? (I used it because of the display property "which at the end I changed") but maybe there is a better semantic option for it like checkbox or something?

    If you see on index.html lines 168 - 169 I sorrounded my content inside a div so I could center the whole content section with flexbox > is this a good practicefor centering the whole content or should I've updated the sizes of the elemnts inside instead of doing this quick fix (this might be a dumb question but I am just curios)



    Hi Fabian, I am in the middle of the challenge and need a hand with the background of the card, I explored a bunch of ways to do the radial gradient but nothing works for me, I saw your solution and you gave me the hand I needed.

    About your first question, I'm using divs instead of spans, which I suppose isn't a bad practice one or other, but I hope you get feedback from some one with enough knowledge.

    Great job man, keep working!

  • aKennich 160



    Hi beautiful people, I made my first steps in sass. I am still, struggling with how can we use the following to determine the right ratio? "The designs were created to the following widths:

    • Mobile: 375px
    • Desktop: 1440px". Welcome your comments, advice, and shaking hands!



    Hi, @aKennich I only have a tip for you, your card isn't centered on the main axis even using flexbox that happens because the body doesn't have a height, use a height of 100vh to fix that and the card will center in the middle of the screen.

    I hope you can help me in the future, take care.
