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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • I'm really proud of how the project came out. My React skills definitely leveled up after completing this challenge.

    • I gained a better understanding of the React component lifecycle and how/when components are mounted and unmounted. I definitely got better using the 'useEffect' hook as a result.

    • One challenge that I faced was trying to add the fade out effect when the modal disappeared. I was adding an animation class to the component when it was being unmounted, but I wasn't seeing the animation because the component was being immediately removed from the DOM. To handle this problem, I added a delay to unmount the Modal so that you could see the fade out effect.

    • I used some new hooks in this project like 'useRef' and 'useCallback'. I also created some custom hooks and made sure that they were reusable.

    • I implemented 'localStorage' for the first time so that when a user refreshes the page, the contents of their cart persists.

    • I used the 'matchMedia' method for the first time instead of the 'resize' event listener for better performance. The 'resize' event listener will call your callback function every time the page gets resized. If you changed your viewport width from 800px to 700px, your callback function would be called 100 times. When you use the 'matchMedia' method, your callback function only gets called when your media query breakpoint changes. This is much more efficient and I should have discovered this earlier.

    • Let me know what you guys think and I appreciate any feedback! Thanks!

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • This was my second React project and I'm starting to really see the power of React. If I had made this project with vanilla JS, there would be so much more lines of code. I like the state management system and being able to keep track of data that changes over time.

    • This project looked really simple at first, but I underestimated it. There was so much logic that went into creating this app. I had to keep track of whether variables were strings or numbers and I had to make sure that strings were converted to numbers. I got a better understanding of how JS converts falsy values like an empty string to 0.

    • I had to make sure the user wasn't able to put any characters other than numbers into the inputs. I set a limit for each of the inputs because I didn't want the user to enter in huge numbers and cause the UI to break. I set the bill limit to $10,000, the custom tip limit to 100%, and the number of people limit to 50. These limits should be large enough for the majority of realistic cases.

    • From a styling stand point, I started using the clamp function a lot more to make my layouts more responsive. I should have been doing this way earlier in my coding journey. The clamp function allows me to write a lot less code in media queries.

    • I learned so many new things from building this app and I definitely leveled up as a developer. Let me know what you guys think and I appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • This was my first ever React project and I like the way it came out.
    • The hardest part of this project was getting used to React and knowing how to import files properly.
    • It was nice implementing state for the toggle and seeing how React re-renders all the components.
    • Let me know what you guys think and I appreciate any feedback! Thanks!
  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • I wanted to do this challenge because it was my first time ever making a slider.
    • The hardest part of this challenge was making the slider and styling it in CSS.
    • The JavaScript was really straightforward and was probably the easiest part of this challenge for me.
    • Let me know what you guys think and I appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • I wanted to do this challenge because it was my first time filtering out elements from the HTML.
    • I thought the challenge was pretty straightforward and easy. The JavaScript was easy to write. I thought the hardest part of this challenge was writing the CSS and making sure the layout looked good.
    • I am happy with the way the site came out and I appreciate any feedback! Thanks!
  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • I really like how my developer portfolio came out. I followed the Figma design and replaced all the info with my own personal info.
    • I plan on putting this portfolio on my LinkedIn profile and on my resume as well.
    • I chose to showcase three projects on my portfolio (E-Commerce Product Page, Dictionary Web App, and Planets Fact Site).
    • The hardest part was creating the form section. I used Formspree so that all the messages could be sent to my email.
    • One thing that I would change is using a more high-quality image of myself. I don't really like taking photos so I had to use a photo that was taken around 13 years ago.
    • Let me know what you guys think about my portfolio and I appreciate any feedback! Thanks everyone!
  • Submitted

    • Hey everyone, this is my solution for the Planets Fact Site! This site took me longer to build than I expected but I like the way it came out. I plan to use this site in my portfolio.
    • I chose to use a JavaScript-heavy approach and I thought the hardest part of building this site was the layout. I had to make sure the site looked good when switching between the mobile, tablet, and desktop layouts. I had to make sure that when a user clicked on "Overview" or "Surface Geology" in the mobile site for example, the tab that they selected was correctly displayed in the tablet and desktop layouts.
    • Let me know what you think of the site and any feedback is welcome :)
  • Submitted

    • By far the longest challenge I have done on this site. This challenge took me roughly 6 weeks to complete and I am happy with the way it came out!
    • This was the first time using an API in a project and I found that pretty easy. The hardest part of this project for me was writing the JavaScript code for generating the HTML because you didn't know how many meanings a word would have.
    • I added in a loading spinner that you typically see on most sites when you search for something.
    • The logic for the color theme was pretty easy, but I found it a bit tedious.
    • I learned how to do so many new things and I will definitely be adding this project to my portfolio.
    • Let me know what you guys think of it and I appreciate any feedback :)
  • Submitted

    Finally finished building this E-Commerce Product Page! It took me about five weeks to complete and I learned so many new things along the way. I wanted to tackle this challenge because it looked more difficult than the challenges I have already completed. I am planning on using this challenge in my portfolio. Let me know what you guys think!

  • Submitted

    When first looking at this challenge, it looked simple, but it proved to be a lot trickier than I expected. Building the layout and making it responsive was the easy part. The hardest part about this challenge was the error validations. Also, working with dates was a little tricky too. I'm happy with the way the app came out and I am interested to hear what you guys think about it :)

  • Submitted

    Finally finished my solution for this challenge. It was by far the most complicated challenge I have done so far on this site. It took me nearly a month to complete and I learned so many new things. Let me know what you guys think about it!