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Request path contains unescaped characters
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  • @PetervanRemmen


    I was not sure how to make the text in the paragraph exactly as in the design. Probably, because I don't have the exact dimensions. I don't have the Figma files, since I am free member.



    Congratulations for submitting your first solution. You should increase the padding for the h1 and the paragraph adjust it using the chrome developer option and check when it's perfect and use the perfect value if you didn't think of doing that you can check my solution.

    Again congratulations for your first solution.

    You can mark it helpful if it helped you.

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  • @AasishSapkota


    Hi @DQuina, congratulations on your solution!👋 Welcome to the Frontend Mentor Coding Community!

    Great solution and a great start! From what I saw you’re on the right track. I’ve few suggestions for you that you can consider adding to your code:

    Reduce your code by removing unnecessary elements. The HTML structure is working but you can reduce at least 20% of your code by cleaning the unnecessary elements, you start cleaning it by removing some unnecessary <div>. For this solution you wrap everything inside a single block of content using <div> or <main> (better option for accessibility) and put inside the whole content <img> / <h1> and <p>.

    <body> <main> <img src="./images/image-qr-code.png" alt="QR Code Frontend Mentor" > <h1>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h1> <p>Scan the QR code to visit Frontend Mentor and take your coding skills to the next level</p> </main> </body>

    Add the website favicon inserting the svg image inside the <head>. <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="./images/favicon-32x32.png"> Replace the <strong> containing the main title with <h1> note that this title is the main heading for this page and every page needs one h1 to show which is the most important heading. Use the sequence h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 to show the hierarchy of your titles in the level of importance, never jump a level. Add a margin of around margin: 20px to avoid the card touching the screen edges while it scales down. Use relative units as rem or em instead of px to improve your performance by resizing fonts between different screens and devices. These units are better to make your website more accessible. REM does not just apply to font size, but to all sizes as well.

    check my solution if you didn't understand.

    Mark it helpful if you find it helpful.

  • @AasishSapkota


    bro you can take help from my code it's easy . You just need to make another div that holds your view-image.svg and you need to use z-index. if you still don't understand seeing my code then i can explain you in brief more clearly.

    You can contact me if you need extra help.

  • ripper 50



    Can't seem to find a solution for the eye icon hover.



    You can consider my solution as help. It is easy to build that feature you can use a div function and consider adding that image inside that div and make the div box position to absolute and overlay it over the main image by adding the z-index of div to higher than image and make the div opacity to 0; and add hover feature and make it opacity:1; If you didn't understand consider looking my code and run it in visual studio it will give you a brief idea.

    mark as helpful if you found it helpful.

  • @AasishSapkota


    You should increase the size of container it's too small use this : container{ min-width: 350px; min-height:400px; }

    I've find out you have removed the attribution tag. The attribution tag can sometimes be a nuisance/eye-sore to the rest of the design but it does allow a developer signature of some-sort if exercised...I usually give it a position of absolute and bottom:0 which should kick it to the bottom of the screen and then give it width of 100% and text-align:center so it's just centered at the bottom and generally out of the way.

    You haven't built active features of the site or hover features consider adding those you can take help from my solution also.

    You've done preety good job congrulations for your project.

    Marked as helpful
