Submitted 4 months ago
Tic tac toe game with focus on a11y
Design comparison
Solution retrospective
What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
- I learned new aria roles and attributes to make the game accessible, like grid, gridcell etc.
- I learned how to use aria-live attribute to make the player turn live for screen readers.
- I learned how to use CSS :not() pseudo-class to style the cells that are not occupied by a mark.
- I learned how to use CSS :hover and :focus pseudo-classes to style the cells when hovered or focused.
- I learned how to use CSS :before pseudo-element to add an icon to the cells when hovered or focused.
- I learned how to use CSS variables to set the icon size and position.
- I learned how to use aria-label attribute to provide a label for the grid cells.
- I learned how to use aria-describedby attribute to associate the instructions with the grid cells.
- I learned how to change cell state using data attributes.
- I learned how to use Javascript's map method to render the cells.
- I separated the game logic and data store from the UI components to make the code more modular and maintainable.
- I learned how to use Javascript's every method to check if the game is a tie.
- I learned how to use Javascript's filter method to filter the cells that match the active mark.
- I learned how to use Math functions to generate a random number.
- It was challenging to make the game status, turns, modal data live for screen reader users. Use of aria-live for turns and aria-describedby for modals and menu which points to visually hidden element in the div helped
- I have used header, main and footer inside web-components. Is it a best practice to do it this way ? Does this satisfy the accessibility requirement?
- Any feedbacks regarding a11y are welcome
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