Design comparison
Solution retrospective
I have spent a lot of time getting used to Tailwind CSS and have used it to complete my practice. I also improved my CSS with the BEM concept. Now that I think my layout practice is sufficient, I prefer to focus on more JavaScript practice.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I am still not familiar with some practical uses of JavaScript because I spend too much time thinking about how to manipulate the DOM with event listeners. Therefore, I really need to practice them more frequently.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Is there a more efficient way to complete this practice?
Or could you point out some mistakes that exist in my code?
Community feedback
- @zkmszPosted 1 day ago
That looks really good! I did notice the header image was a little scrunched on mobile and didn't expand beyond the mobile width. In your hero class if you remove width and height and just use min-width of 433px it will expand and show exactly as the design. I had this issue in the beginning as well and that fixed it. Keep up the good work! :)
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