Design comparison
Solution retrospective
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All feedback is greatly appreciate. It helps me to improve as a frontend developer. Thanks!
Community feedback
- @KarenMascarenhasLourencoPosted almost 2 years ago
Thank you so much for your help!
0 - @ciaower17Posted almost 2 years ago
The website looks good but its not responsive and it looks bad on mobile, some things that i could recommend are: give the main section a max-width of 45% not only width of 45% as it shrinks when you make the screen width smaller and you could've gave the right section a max-width too so it wouldn't shrink. To make it responsive on mobile you could change the flex direction of the main section to column with the @media funcion and make the main width 100% so it looks as it should. In the field of design i would just say make it a lil bit higher and change the shade and make it be only on under and on the right. The rest looks good, Nice job!
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