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leonardo reisβ€’ 250


Desktop design screenshot for the Stats preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Please check my code, and tell me what I should improve.

Community feedback

Faris Pβ€’ 2,810



Looks nice and responsive πŸ‘

A few suggestions are:

  • Set the image's alt tag to alt="" since the image here doesn't provide any extra context or info to users. And so that assistive devices can ignore them.
  • Try using a smaller media query breakpoint because, even though currently I'm using my laptop to see your solution, I'm getting the mobile version of the site.
  • Also, on mobile, the attribution text is on top of the card, so try to change it if you can😊

That's all from me. Have fun coding ✨

Marked as helpful


leonardo reisβ€’ 250



@FarisPalayi Hi, thanks for your feedback, I made the changes, could you check again?


Faris Pβ€’ 2,810



@leonardo9245 Looks greatπŸ‘ and layout is responding really well. Well done πŸ‘

btw, the font-family of the text under stats(for eg: "companies") is lexend deca not InterπŸ˜€

One more suggestion would be to change those h2 tags to <strong> or <span> because those are technically not heading for anything. Take a look at Semantic HTML

As always, have fun coding 🌟


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