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Stats Preview Card | Frontend Mentor


Desktop design screenshot for the Stats preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective


This is my least problematic challenge so far. I was able to markup the page with much ease. The only issues I have are:

  • Difficulty trying to set the opacity. I wasn't sure whether opacity was the right property to use as I'm currently not aware of other methods of setting the overlay. Please do let me know if there are other methods.
  • I had some difficulty trying to set the size of the text and the image to be equal (I'm still not sure whether they are equal). How can I set the left-col and right-col to be equal in size?

Community feedback

M 920



  • Using the opacity property to create the tinted effect for the image is not a bad practice, so don't worry about it. In case you want to try a different approach next time, remember that the background property also allows you to achieve the same effect if you use it like this:
.right-col {
      rgba(170, 92, 219, 0.6),
      rgba(170, 92, 219, 0.6)
    url("images/image-header-desktop.jpg") center / cover no-repeat;
  • And regarding to the containers' size... if I'm not wrong, in the original design the containers of the text and the image don't have the same width, so in my opinion you don't need to change anything.

Overall your solution looks great. Good job 👍

Marked as helpful




Wow thanks. I still haven't been able to wrap my head around linear-gradient. I'll be sure to dedicate time to learning about it.

Thank you so much for letting me know.


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