Solution Testimonials Grid Section Main (with howto)
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Community feedback
- @Fa-23Posted almost 3 years ago
Good job! My suggestions is that you don't need two css archives to do it
0 - @ayadi1Posted almost 3 years ago
i think if you remove the padding from body it will look better and add border-radius : 50% to image
0 - @SamadeenPosted almost 3 years ago
Almost forgot.. you can make your images rounded by setting the border-radius to 50%
0 - @SamadeenPosted almost 3 years ago
Hey!! Cheers 🥂 on completing this challenge.. . Here are my suggestions 1.You should use <main class="container"> instead of <div class="container">. 2. Go down orderly when you are using the headings h1 down to h2 down to h3 and so on. 3.Your images should have an alt text.
. Regardless you did amazing.. Happy coding!!!
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